遠くに住む家族や友人のための個人的な日記です。 ごゆっくり... For far away friends and family.


お正月/New Years

Tomo and I spent the new years at her parents house again this year.
A 15 min. walk, a two hour bus ride, a 2 hour train ride and another 20 min. walk and we arrived sometime around 7 pm on the 31st.

On New Years morning we all set off to the local shrine to pay our respects. This was a bit of a hike as well, but that (for me) is the point.元日、近所の大雄山最乗寺へおまいり。父の畑から山の中を一時間弱歩く。

The next day Tomo and I went hiking at a nearby mountain...
And the whole time we ate like royalty.
I can only hope 2011 will be half as great as 2010.