遠くに住む家族や友人のための個人的な日記です。 ごゆっくり... For far away friends and family.


Summer 2016年・夏

It was a good summer. 
Tomo's friends came over and we had a barbecue. 
 We went to the beach… (a lot)
 There were fireworks...
 … and more fireworks...
 Ray and Ann's cousins came over and played, "ninja."
 Then we all went to Daddie's apartment in Shimosuwa.
…where Ray ended up walking around in his underwear and
 Ann decided to hang off of a bridge for a minute.
 Everyone tried hard to have a good time at a shrine.
 …and we had a lovely picnic in nature.

There was a lot more too.
 (mostly hanging out in parks).
It was a great summer.