遠くに住む家族や友人のための個人的な日記です。 ごゆっくり... For far away friends and family.




2 件のコメント:

  1. Hey Sam - It's your old pal, Valdis. Had a random dream about high school the other night. Incredible to see you're living in Japan. I'm in Germany. You're still an amazing artist. Look me one of these days, amigo. V

  2. Wow!

    Is this Valdis Wish?

    I still remember making U2/Johnny Cash "Wanderer" comic strips with you in high school. ...the fact that I'm still basically trying to do the same thing as an adult probably doesn't say much for my development since then, but...

    It's good to hear from you.

    I'm actually pretty internet retarded, but I'll make an attempt to look you up.

    Thanks for commenting,

