By now I'm sure everyone has seen pictures of the devastation wrought by the Tsunami following the quake. Cars overturned. Houses carried away. Even whole villages have been wiped out.
Compared to all this, Kashima got off relatively easy.
I've compiled some photographs that friends (Thanks Sean, Brighid and Manu) have taken:

(top left: the tori to the local shrine collapsed. top right: my office. I was actually siting at that table planning a lesson when the quake struck. middle: roads in various state of disrepair. bottom left: tiles fell off of roofs. bottom right: the tsunami, although nowhere near as sever as up north, hit us as well. Here you can see a car buried in sand and a telephone pole that has sunk into the ground.)
Now there is apparently no running water in Kashima. Tomo and I are ok because our house uses well water. As long as we have electricity we'll be fine. Speaking of which, they cut our electricity for a few hours last night as part of a plan. Apparently, they don't have enough to go around. Anyway, we've opened our house to my co-workers to come and use for showering etc. We are still experiencing aftershocks and a big one is predicted.
Tomo and I ventured out yesterday but most everything was shut down. Today, we've begun hearing reports that the supermarkets are opening back up. However, people are still lining up at gas stations where they are rationing out gas, if they have it at all.
There is a lot of conflicting reports and information coming in as far as the power situation and the power plant (about 150 kilometers north of us). Apparently, they are now cooling it down with sea water.
Words can't describe the past few days.