遠くに住む家族や友人のための個人的な日記です。 ごゆっくり... For far away friends and family.



Ray's been eating three meals a day (sometimes four). He even likes to chew on things he can't eat. Tomo's convinced he must have been a wild dog who died of hunger in his past life.

Ray continues to confirm this suspicion by calling anything that moves a "wawa" (in English, "Bow-wow"). The picture below is of him with a stuffed animal dog that one of my co-workers gave him.

Apparently, even these dolls are "wawa"

Below is a picture of our gazebo and the boards that flew off of the roof a few weeks ago. They damaged the neighbor's house and yard so we took the whole thing down. Now it's just a big empty space. Tomo wants to plant a tree...

Anytime he sees us go to the bathroom sink, Ray likes to "brush his teeth" and "wash his hands" too. (or at least imitate us). He's also continually fascinated by the water as it goes down the drain.

The picture below was taken when we were trying to take Ray's passport photo. It was tough getting him to stand still in front of a white wall.
...and don't worry, we didn't use this picture for the actual passport. ^_^;

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